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Hi, I’m Hung-Chun CHIU, a 4th-year Ph.D. student at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), advised by Prof. Charles Zhang. Before that, I obtained my Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from Tsinghua University. My current research focuses on enhancing software security through both dynamic and static techniques, such as fuzzing (S&P’24a, TDSC’23).
S&P’24a Titan: Efficient Multi-target Directed Greybox Fuzzing
Heqing Huang, Peisen Yao, Hung-Chun Chiu, Yiyuan Guo, Charles Zhang.
The 45th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy. [pdf][Artifacts]
TDSC’23 Balance Seed Scheduling via Monte Carlo Planning
Heqing Huang, Hung-Chun Chiu, Qingkai Shi, Peisen Yao, Charles Zhang.
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing. [pdf][Artifacts]
2021-Current: HKUST Postgraduate Studentship (PGS)
Awarded by The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
2021: Distinguished Collaborator Award (Team Award)
Awarded by Huawei
2016-2018: Scholarship for Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Students (Three times)
Awarded by the Ministry of Education, China
2015: Scholarship for Academic Excellence
Awarded by Tsinghua University, Beijing
2015: Best Implement Award in Network System course (Team Award)
Awarded by Assoc. Prof. Zhenhua Li, THSS
2014: Best Architecture Award in Architecture of Computer and Network course
Awarded by Prof. Yunhao Liu (ACM/IEEE/CCF Fellow)
2013-2015: Scholarship for Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Students (Three times)
Awarded by the Ministry of Education, China